55 window palace; the palace of mysterious carvings

Right behind a golden masterpiece, the golden gate, you can find another majestic masterpiece. Of course within the durbar square.  That master of the art is no other than 55 windowed palaces.

There, local persons also call these 55 windowed palaces, pachpannajhyale durbar. And in newari term nge nyapa jhya laaykoo. Consequently, this artistic fact holds back history from about 1427 AD. Before King Bhupatindra Malla remodelled it in the 17th century.

After succeeding originally constructed by king Yaksa Malla. Yes, this is also a fact. That it was just a building then when king Yaksha Malla concreted it.

A brief history of 55 window palace

Later on, when King Bhupatindra Malla became the emperor of Bhaktapur in 1696, he started the reconstruction of this palace. But, it is said that it took a time of 58 years to complete.

The palace was finally set during the reign of King Ranjit Malla in 1754 AD.  King Ranjit Malla, the son of King Bhupatindra Malla also contributed a lot to this palace. Unbearably, the tear downing earthquake of 1934 AD demolished the palace.

Despite that, the palace was remodelled, using the same windows and struts. But it was not in its usual shape. The palace once was also operated as the post office in Bhaktapur.

What’s inside the 55 window palace?

Meanwhile, one can observe the preeminent illustration of wood carvings of the Malla periods in this building. That somehow seems more attractive with black colouring. As you can observe, the first and second stories of the palace had a perfect reflection of wood carving.

The first story has doors alternating with small wood carved windows. And the second one is blessed with eleven deep carved windows in the front part. With a slanting torona over it.

You can notice the carvings of asta bhairava with his shakti. Also, the carved sculptures of Lord Ganesha and Lord Kumar in those toronas.

Besides, the walls of the first floor utter a lot about the then ruling environment. Images, that reflect the social as well as the royal lifestyles of Malla kings. That includes the wall painting of King Bhupatindra Malla himself and queen vishwo Laxmi.

Along with that, there are images of the vishwo rupa of lord bhairava with his shakti. The battleground of Ramayan. Drawings of different deities and many more. While the interior part of this palace is closed for so many years.

You may not able to see those paintings. But, roaming around this palace won’t be a waste. You still can explore wood carvings and ancient architecture.

Oct. 5, 2024, 5:50 a.m.

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